Georgia Personal Injury Lawyers

How Are Most Boat Accidents The Result Of Human Error?

Posted on : April 3, 2023

Did you know that most boat accidents are preventable? It’s a common misconception that unforeseen circumstances are the biggest contributor to these collisions. The reality is that human error is behind the majority of serious boating accidents. Keep reading to learn about these errors and how to get legal help.

Inadequate Employee Training

Good training can mean the difference between an accident and a catastrophe. Without proper instruction, employees who aren’t sure what to do in an emergency can make matters worse. On a boat, this can be disastrous.

Untrained staff may not be able to assess or mitigate dangerous situations or help other people get to safety. These individuals are more likely to make mistakes that have catastrophic consequences for everyone on the vessel.

Boating Under The Influence

Georgia boaters may not operate their vessels while intoxicated. Drugs and alcohol make it harder for boat captains and crew members to make sound decisions when there’s a problem, potentially increasing the risk of people getting hurt or killed.

It’s important that commercial boating companies take care to adequately screen their employees. If an impaired boat operator causes an accident, their employer could be held responsible for not ensuring the safety of passengers on the vessel.

Not Enough Sleep

You might not immediately think of sleep when you think of boat safety, but the two are deeply connected. Getting enough sleep is important for both boat captains and their crew members in order to keep the vessel and other passengers safe. If staff is fatigued, they can miss safety precautions or fail to act quickly in an emergency.

Boating companies should ensure their employees have the resources and time needed to get enough rest to safely operate the vessel. If not, they may be liable for accidents that happen as a result.

Were You Hurt In A Georgia Boat Accident?

Boat accidents can cause devastating injuries. If your family was affected by a boat collision you think might have been due to human error, you need legal help. At Southside Injury Law, we have the expertise needed to provide you with comprehensive representation when you need it the most.

Contact our office today to book your initial free consultation. We work on a contingency basis, so you pay nothing unless you win your case. Call now by dialing (770) 703-6008 or toll free at (800) 393-8595.

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