Do Insurance Companies Try to Cheat Accident Victims Out of a Settlement?

Unfortunately, car insurance companies are profit-driven like many other businesses in America. This means that paying out on too many claims can affect their bottom line, something they would preferably avoid at all costs. 

Claim denial is all too frequent, even when policies clearly state that the insurance company is responsible for accident costs. Here’s how insurance companies might try to cheat you out of a fair car crash settlement and how to quickly get legal help. 

The Insurance Company May Accuse You of Falsifying Your Story 

The insurance company of the at-fault party may accuse you of lying or falsifying your version of the events that happened before, during, or after the car accident. For example, they may suggest that you are at fault instead, or that you have pre-existing injuries that weren’t related to the accident at all. Or, they may try to suggest that the person liable for the accident is not their policyholder but another person entirely. 

You May Initially Receive a Lowball Offer 

Often, insurance companies start with the lowest settlement offer possible. They’re banking on the fact that many accident victims are unable to work and need money quickly to cover bills and medical expenses. Litigation takes time that many victims feel they don’t have, resulting in undue pressure to accept the first settlement offered. 

They May Try to Drag Out the Resolution Process 

Another common tactic car insurance companies often use to get victims to settle for lower than they should is dragging out the resolution process. They may take the maximum amount of time (or longer) to respond to each communication or otherwise stall in an effort to take advantage of your inability to pay bills while injured. 

Many accident victims just want to “get it over with already,” and end up accepting a much lower offer and signing away their right to future compensation without adequate legal representation. 

When to Call a Southside Personal Injury Attorney 

If you were injured in a collision caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness, don’t hesitate to call for legal help. At Southside Injury Law, we will fight for your right to the full and fair compensation you deserve for being hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault. Call now for a consultation at (770) 703-6008 or toll free at (800) 393-8595.

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